What is important for gaining an audience on TikTok

A couple of years ago, the question of how to gain an audience arose among Instagram users. Time has passed and now the era of a new platform, TikTok, has come. Many promotion methods work better here because the platform algorithms are more loyal to the rapid growth in the number of viewers. This social network was created in order for viral videos to appear there that give the authors quick popularity.

However, everything is not so simple. You can buy TikTok followers on a special service to quickly get a few thousand new viewers, but then you need to do something for these people, and there are not many ideas. The platform has a significant disadvantage — there is only one possible content format here and these are short videos. You can’t post a photo or a text post, which greatly reduces your creative options.

Today we will talk about how you can gain popularity on TikTok in 2022.

How platform algorithms work

To successfully promote your content and get results, you need to study the platform algorithms and understand what is important here for promotion. We will make it easy for you and we will name the main points.

The number of views. Even though the main goal of every creator is to gain new viewers, the main indicator of promotion on this platform is the number of views on your videos. If your content gets recommended and gets a lot of views, then people will subscribe to you.

Strictly written videos. There are practically no situations when videos that are shot in the format of improvisation become popular. Your task is to interest the user in the first two seconds so that he wants to watch to the end, and this is only possible if you write a detailed script in advance.

Write down everything that you will say in seconds, indicate where and what transitions will be to take this into account when editing, and also think about what kind of lighting you will use. This is important to make the video visually appealing and interesting.

Creating intrigue. It is important for TikTok algorithms that viewers watch your videos until the end. To achieve this, at the beginning of the video, you need to create intrigue, such as asking an interesting question or making a clickbait. Only a few seconds after that, you can answer this question and reveal all the secrets.

These life hacks work well when promoting on the platform and help you gain an audience.

What to avoid when creating content

First of all, it is worth saying that it is not necessary to publish content that is contrary to the norms of morality and law. It discredits you in front of the audience and gives people a bad impression of you. In no case should you show violence and anger.

Also, try not to encourage users to actively argue about any political or social topic. You can express your position but do it with respect for people with a different opinion. Do not build your speech at the expense of aggression and hatred.

Moreover, avoid silence. Users love to be talked to because it helps build a connection. Encourage random viewers to follow and like you, as well as ask questions that they can answer in the comments. This will create a trusting atmosphere because users will do something good for you and in doing so you will learn more about them.


Promotion on TikTok is not as complicated as it seems. If you create platform-relevant content, you can quickly gain a large audience.A tiktok marketing agency can help you tailor the right type of content and the reach the right audiences.

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