10 Unique Things You Should do in London

In the past few years, London has received record numbers of tourists. Roughly 19 million people visit the capital every year.

It’s unsurprising that so many people flock to London for sight-seeing and fun all year round. It has some of the most amazing landmarks in the world.

And yet, once you’ve seen Big Ben, took a ride on the London Eye and walked around the British Museum, you can’t be blamed for looking for more to the London experience.

In this article, we’ll reveal 10 unique things you should do in London on your next trip to the city. Read below to discover more!

1. Visit the Corpse of a Genius

The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1747-1832) was a pioneering thinker of the 19th century.

He famously founded the theory of utilitarianism. This is defined as the principle that “the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong”.

He died nearly 200 years ago. Before his death, Bentham left specific instructions to preserve his body as his dying wish.

You can visit the preserved “auto-icon” at the University College London (UCL). Bentham has subsequently become known as the “spiritual founder” of the UCL, which is one of the best colleges in the world.

2. Literary Pub Crawl

London has been the home of numerous accomplished writers of the English-language from Charles Dickens to William Shakespeare.

However, you can combine your love for English prose with the pleasure of drinking pints of ale with the walking tour of literary pubs.

From the Newman Arms, which inspired George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984 to TS Elliot’s regular haunt at the Marquis of Granby.

3. Go on a Hot Date

London has one of the most thriving dating scenes in the world. Singles have fun meeting up with their Tinder dates at one of the buzzing bars in North London.

You don’t have to live in London to enjoy the dating scene in the capital. There are many chances to encounter beautiful ladies and charming guys.

You can explore the fantasy of being a singleton in the “big smoke” by hiring an escort for the evening. If you want to discover more about London escorts, view this page.

4. Instagram Snaps of Platform 9¾

Your visit to London not complete with a touch of witchcraft and wizardry.

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, you simply cannot miss the opportunity to get your Instagram pics of you at Platform 9¾.

Just head to the Kings Cross Railway Station in North London and follow signs for the platform between 9 and 10.

5. Shop for an Umbrella

London is not as rainy as you may think. But, if you want to mix with Londoners, it’s always good to be prepared for the worse weather.

If you need to buy an umbrella, you shouldn’t look any further than James Smith & Sons on New Oxford Street. This shop has been selling umbrellas since the 1830s.

It’s like walking back in time to Victorian London, in which you purchase one of the biggest variety of umbrellas around. If you’re lucky enough to miss the rain in your time in London, browsing the wonderful umbrella shop is a must-see.

6. Walk London’s Roman Wall

Few people realize that London’s Roman Wall still exists nearly 2,000 years after it was constructed. Put on your walking shoes and get prepared for the 2-mile walk beside this unique piece of London’s heritage.

Start at Tower Hill Postern Gate and follow the signs from there. You won’t find many other tourists doing this during your time in London. It also won’t cost you anything to experience.

7. The Speakers’ Corner

If you want to escape the chaos of the city, head to Hyde Park.

Do you want to picnic? Grab one of the many “Meal Deal” (a sandwich, snack, and drink) options at one of the supermarkets.

Wander around people watching in Hyde Park is one of the most enjoyable things to in the city. But, don’t forget to visit the Speakers’ Corner either.

London has a proud tradition of democracy and freedom of speech. Nowhere is this more represented by the Speakers’ Corner.

The Speakers’ Corner is where you’ll find people public speaking about everything from worldly affairs to local politics. The tradition started during the 19th century. It is as strong as ever today.

8. Sip Gin and Tonics

Known as “Mother’s Ruin” in London, nobody does gin and tonics like Londoners. British people have recently rediscovered their love of G and Ts.

You can now get every flavor of gin from seaweed to pink grapefruit. After you’ve had an exhausting day of seeing the London sights, there’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing with a gin and tonic.

9. Get a British Curry

Most of the world would never think of London as the best place to get a spicy curry. The English aren’t exactly known for culinary skills.

However, due to British colonial history, London has thousands of curry houses to explore. Curry has even become the unofficial national dish of the country.

Don’t forget to wash down your curry with a classic pint of English beer. They compliment each other perfectly.

10. Grab Some Cereal

Brick Lane in the East End of London has for some time been known as the Hipster center of the city.

However, this achieved new levels when the Cereal Killer Cafe opened its doors in 2014. You can buy every sort of cereal you can imagine in one of the coolest joints around.

Unique Things You Should do in London

Are you tired of sticking to the tourist route the whole time you’re in London?

After you’ve seen the most famous landmarks, it’s time to discover the underbelly of London. Enjoy our unique things you should do in London on your next trip.

Are you visiting London as part of your Europe trip? Check out these other 10 European cities which you should visit this year.

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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