Natural Ingredients to Complement Your Protective Hairstyles

The saying that the hair is a person’s crowning glory still holds up to this day. People with long natural hair will do anything to protect their hair from becoming damaged. So if you have long natural hair, there are two ways of preventing damage to your hair. 

Physical Styling

One way of protecting your hair’s base and tips is through protective styling. Protective hairstyles such as Faux Afro Puff, Twists, Knots, Updos, and Braids offer physical protection to your hair. The purpose of protective styling is to protect your hair from the elements, maintain the moisture content of the hair, retain the length of your hair and give your hair a stylish look. 

Physically styling your hair into braids, twists, and knots may reduce the exposure of your hair to the elements and may prevent loss of moisture; however, this may not be enough to keep your long natural hair healthy. Fortunately, there are products from Protective Styles that will reinforce the protection of your protective hairstyles. 

Chemical Protection

Protective Styles products have these following natural ingredients that boost the protection of your hair.

  • Bamboo. Silica, which is found in the bamboo extract, is a trace mineral that is rich in antioxidant properties that improve the health of the hair by increasing hair strength and elasticity, as well as improving the moisture and sheen retention of natural hair. We lose the amounts of silica in our body as we age; therefore, there is a need to replenish the amount of silica that our hair is getting to help restore the appearance of our hair to its healthy look. Protective Styles have different lines of products that have natural bamboo extracts that can help your hair remain shiny and healthy. 
  • Biotin. Hair loss studies have shown that Biotin, a form of Vitamin B, is associated with hair growth. Protective Styles uses Biotin as an ingredient in their hair products to boost natural hair growth and prevent hair loss. 
  • Coconut. Coconut, whether as oil extract or milk form, is a natural ingredient that can do a lot of wonders for your hair. Coconut oil can penetrate deep into hair follicles and prevent the entry of bacteria into your hair follicles. When your scalp is also covered with a layer of coconut oil, it prevents insect bites and itchiness. 

Coconut oil also penetrates inside the hair shafts to make them denser and fuller. Since oil and water do not mix, once the hair shafts and hair follicles are covered with coconut oil, it prevents the release of moisture preventing your hair from drying up and has split ends or breakages. 

Coconut oil is also believed to be the only oil that can reduce protein loss from hair. Protein is needed to repair damaged hair cells, so if there is little protein left in your hair cells, then damaged hair cannot rebuild itself properly. 

Protective Styles have hair serums that are rich in coconut that can help you immediately address your damaged hair. Chemically protecting your hair with naturally occurring ingredients is one way to complement protective styling for maintaining your healthy hair. Protective Styles can give you these nutrients for your hair in different forms such as through serum, shampoo, cream, or gel. It will depend on you on how you want to incorporate these essential nutrients into your daily hair management regimen.

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