Is Microneedling A Good Skincare Option for You?

If you have heard that microneedling can work wonders for the skin then you may be wondering what it is and if it is a good skincare option for you. Making that determination will require you to learn all you can about the process. Here’s a quick overview of some of the most important things which can help you make your decision.

Other Names for the Microneedling Process

The first thing you should know about microneedling is that it is synonymous with collagen induction therapy (CIT). Dermaroller is also a common term used to describe the microneedling process. However, not all microneedling tools are shaped like rollers. Some of them are more like pens or stamps. The Dermarollers are typically larger tools, while the pens and stamps are designed for use on smaller sections of skin.

Microneedling is Similar to Treating Skin with Lasers

Although lasers use light and heat to treat skin and microneedling tools use needles, the two procedures can give you similar results. Whether you have your skin treated with medical-lasers or microneedling devices, the purpose of the treatment will be to harm your skin just enough to cause healing processes within your body to trigger. Namely, your body will produce more collagen, which will help to repair cellular damage and pull skin cells tighter together. That’s why both types of procedure are often used for wrinkle reduction.

Microneedling is Also Different from Laser Treatment

Of course, there are some major differences between laser procedures and microneedling procedures. The biggest difference is that the microneedling tools do not produce much heat. That may be beneficial to you if you suffer from oily skin or other skin problems which can be exacerbated by excessive heat or cause you to be at risk for burns during laser treatment. Microneedling is also different from laser therapy because it doesn’t cause the same level of sun sensitivity that laser therapy can cause. However, microneedling does create open wounds, which means that infection risks can be high if you don’t follow post-appointment care instructions carefully.

When Microneedling Appointments Are Appropriate and How Many Will be Needed

Microneedling appointments may be appropriate for you if you want to tighten up moderately loose skin. The procedure can also be used to reduce the appearance of some types of scar tissue. Alternatively, you can make microneedling appointments to generally improve your skin health, rather than as a spot treatment for a specific skin blemish. However, regardless of why you schedule a microneedling appointment you should be aware that the results will not be instantaneous. Your skin will require time to heal before you will see a positive difference. Also, the number of appointments you need will vary based on the skin issue you are trying to treat.

Managing Microneedling Discomfort During and After Your Appointment

Puncturing your skin with needles would ordinarily be a painful process. However, skincare clinicians use topical ointments containing numbing agents to deaden sensation. When you go in for your appointment you should be prepared to spend as long as an hour simply sitting until the numbing cream takes effect. If you experience unusual pain during the procedure itself you can also ask your clinician to stop and address the issue.

After your microneedling appointment you may experience temporary oozing or bleeding and general discomfort. The clinician will cover the treated area with ointment or sterile gauze to manage that discomfort. You will also be given instructions for caring for your skin at home as it heals. It is important to follow those instructions carefully to prevent your skin from becoming infected before the holes caused by the needles have fully healed.

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