Hearing loss: Modern technology to protect your hearing!

Hearing loss is a problem that affects many people, regardless of age or social status. It’s a condition, which is rapidly spreading through the population and changing lives. Few people think about how important healthy hearing is to a happy life. Even fewer think about protecting and preserving it. But is hearing loss really that dangerous? Or maybe doctors exaggerate the scale of the problem? Unfortunately not!

What are the consequences of hearing loss?

Many people think that hearing loss is nothing. So what if my hearing is a little worse? It’s no big problem. That’s a big mistake! The problem changes a person’s life. Simple everyday tasks become difficult. Gradually, communication with the outside world is lost. Hearing is the most important sense organ, the one that helps us communicate and develop with the world around us!  When the bridge is broken, many problems arise. The sounds of our environment are an integral part of our lives. Losing the ability to hear affects all aspects of it. What are the consequences for the hearing-impaired person? These are

  • Reduced quality of life
  • Increased levels of anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social exclusion
  • The decline in cognitive function
  • Deteriorating memory
  • Creating a negative image in the eyes of others
  • Increased risk (accidents, occupational and home injuries)
  • Increased risk of accidental falls due to impaired spatial orientation
  • Life becomes less bright and more romantic
  • Increased number of errors at work
  • Reduce income

What are the first signs of hearing loss?

Time is of the essence when it comes to treating hearing loss. The sooner you see an audiologist, the sooner you can get back to your life. But it’s important to understand the next fact. In most cases, your hearing cannot be restored. But you can hear and understand well again in all listening situations. To do this, you need to use hearing aids. These are complex medical devices, which amplify some sounds and reduce others. As a result, the person begins to hear and understand the sounds and voices around them. Thus, hearing aids are personalized medical devices. The audiologist selects and adjusts them individually for each patient!

But let’s get back to how to recognize your hearing loss. The problem usually develops gradually. At first, you may miss certain sounds and fragments of words. In other words, you develop a “gap” in your ability to hear human speech. Women’s and children’s voices are particularly difficult to hear.

Over time, many people notice that you are interrogating the person you are talking to more and more. At first, you can manage this by concentrating on the person you are talking to and watching their lips. But as the problem progresses, this becomes more difficult.

For music lovers, the gradual but steady impoverishment of the range of perceived musical sounds is particularly painful. The most beautiful-sounding instruments, such as the piano and cello, are disappearing from the audible range.

The hearing-impaired person’s brain begins to adapt to the reduced intensity of external sound stimuli. This happens by eliminating parts of the brain. Such a process is called auditory deprivation.

If you notice similar changes, try an online hearing testing. It is an easy, effective, and affordable way to check your hearing health. If you have any problems, the results will show you. An online hearing test is a great solution for those who suspect they have hearing loss but cannot make an appointment with an audiologist.

Have you been tested and found to have hearing loss? Don’t hesitate! Make an appointment to see your doctor for a more detailed diagnosis and treatment.

What about hearing care?

We live in a fortunate time when technology can compensate for the many shortcomings of human physiology. Modern digital hearing aids amplify sound waves so you can enjoy an amazing range of sounds and the voices of your loved ones!

Hearing is a sense that, unlike sight or taste, doesn’t pose such an insurmountable problem for modern science. This makes current advances in the hearing industry all the more valuable, as they seem to have come straight from the pages of a science fiction novel.

Losing your hearing is not as tragic today as it was 10-15 years ago. Modern hearing aids are much more powerful and technically advanced than their predecessors. They are:

Better at separating human speech from background noise (a weakness of older and analog hearing aids)

  • Ergonomic
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Compact
  • Have an attractive design
  • Offer additional features and functions

Most hearing aids are compatible with smartphones and other devices, which have become part of modern life. All this is very relevant today. Because the prevalence of hearing loss is now at its highest level ever recorded!

What is the reason for this? The modern world is a much noisier place. Our ancestors didn’t attend rock concerts, hear the deafening sound of a jackhammer, or the constant din of busy traffic. Because of its gradual progression and lack of obvious symptoms, which cause immediate physical distress, many people don’t consider hearing loss to be a major threat. That’s not entirely true!

Hearing loss is a serious, life-changing problem. Fortunately, modern technology makes it possible to offset its negative effects on people. The most important prerequisite for a happy and active life is the use of medical devices. You should not be afraid to wear them every day. After all, hearing aids help you rejoin the world of sounds and voices of your loved ones!

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