6 Types of Insurance You Should Get For Your Small Business

If you have decided to start your own business, there are undoubtedly many different things to consider. Between building your brand, marketing your products and services, hiring and managing your employees, and working on customer satisfaction, it can be easy to forget about getting business insurance. Running a small business is not always easy, and many things could go wrong throughout the process. This is why it is so essential to get the insurance that is in place to protect your company from financial harm in the future. When starting a new small business, there are various types of insurance that you might need. These include:

1. Public Liability Insurance

Insurance is essential to get for your peace of mind and to ensure that your small business is protected if anything goes wrong. For example, suppose your company works with members of the public in any way. In that case, public liability insurance should be the first type of small business insurance that you get. Therefore, when choosing small business insurance, public liability insurance should be a priority since it will protect you financially if a public member is harmed or has any damage done to their property due to your company’s or an employee’s actions. 

2. Business Assets Insurance

Many of your business’s items will be essential to keeping it running smoothly. Perhaps there is some machinery or equipment that you will struggle to run your business if you do not have. It’s essential to ensure that any assets essential to running your business are suitably insured so that you can have them quickly repaired or replaced if anything happens to them without suffering financially. 

3. Business Premises Insurance

Suppose your business is operated from a store, office, warehouse, or another type of business premises. In that case, this building will likely be critical to ensuring that your company can continue running effectively and make a profit. Getting the right insurance for your business premises is essential as anything could happen, including theft, criminal damage, and natural disasters. If you own the space, you will be responsible for getting the building insured. At the same time, this might be the landlord’s responsibility if you rent it. However, even if you are not responsible for protecting the premises, you may need to get additional insurance to cover anything that belongs to your business and is stored in the building for protection in the event of theft or damage. 

4. Cybersecurity Insurance

More and more businesses today are storing data online. With cybercrime on the rise, it’s more a case of when than if hackers will attempt to breach your network and steal your data. Small businesses might not think about cybersecurity as much as there is a common misconception that hackers will only target more prominent companies. But while the big names tend to get more publicity in the event of a breach, small businesses are often some of the biggest targets for cybercriminals since they are easier to hack into. Getting cybersecurity insurance is becoming increasingly essential for small businesses that want to be financially protected in the event of ransomware attacks. 

5. Business Auto Insurance

Whether or not you are going to need business auto insurance will depend on whether or not your company uses vehicles for work. For example, if you run a delivery service, then regular car insurance will not be enough to cover the delivery vehicle you use. You may also need to get business auto insurance if you run a business that involves driving out to meet with customers and clients. It’s vital to ensure that you have the right policy. Even if your car or van is insured, you might not be covered in an accident if you are using your vehicle for work at the time. 

6. Worker’s Compensation

Finally, you will need to consider the types of insurance you will need if you hire employees to work for your small business. Once you start hiring employees, you should get worker’s compensation insurance. This is a legal requirement in many states and will cover you financially if an employee brings a claim for an injury or illness that they have suffered in the workplace. No matter how careful you are to provide a safe working environment, accidents can happen, and it is always best to be protected. 

No matter what your small business will offer, various types of insurance are crucial to getting set up and running successfully. 

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