What Is Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in Infants, And What Can You Do About It?

Necrotizing Enterocolitis is a serious condition that affects babies and young children. It results in the death of tissue in the intestines. On average, 9000 out of every 480,000 premature babies will develop NEC. 

It’s most common during the first month of life and can happen to premature infants as well as full-term babies. This article will cover every important detail that you need to know about this condition.

It Is a Type of Colitis That Affects the Lower Part of the Small Intestine

Necrotizing enterocolitis is a condition that affects newborns. It can affect full-term babies, but it’s more common in premature babies.

Although it’s not contagious, necrotizing enterocolitis is a serious and life-threatening condition. It causes part of the small intestine to die off, which can lead to severe infection and even death if left untreated. The symptoms include diarrhea and abdominal pain that can get worse quickly without treatment.

Necrotizing enterocolitis is caused by the bacteria Clostridium Difficile. This bacteria is known to cause around half a million infections in the US population each year. It can get into your baby’s digestive tract through the anus during birth or after breastfeeding begins. When this happens, toxins produced by C Difficile can cause inflammation throughout the body, including the bowels.

Necrotizing enterocolitis can affect any baby, but it’s more common in premature infants and those who were born vaginally. Babies who are born prematurely have immature digestive systems and don’t always have the ability to fight off certain infections.

NEC Can Also Cause Death in Severe Cases

The condition can be fatal if not treated. According to The National Library of Medicine, it has a mortality rate as high as 50%. It is more common in premature infants who are fed formula rather than breast milk.

The main concern with NEC is the length of time it takes for symptoms to develop. In most cases, your child will appear perfectly healthy until they start showing signs of pain or discomfort. 

If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as diarrhea and vomiting that don’t seem related to normal bowel movements or growth spurts. take your baby to see their doctor immediately so that they can be checked over by a specialist from the pediatric department.

What Are The Symptoms of NEC?

The signs and symptoms of NEC are mostly related to the inflammation of your baby’s intestines. A baby with NEC may have the following:

  • A fever higher than 38°C
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Severe abdominal pain 
  • Blood in their stool, sometimes visible as red streaks or clots on the diaper

What Is The Relation Between NEC and Baby Formula?

An article in the Forbes Advisor reports that infants fed with bovine-based formula are at a higher risk of developing NEC. Parents are filing Baby Formula NEC Lawsuit against baby formula brands like Similac and Enfamil because it has led their babies to develop NEC.  However, there are many other reasons for NEC, like genetic factors or antibiotic use during pregnancy and after birth.

Preventing NEC can be done by taking precautions such as not feeding your baby with premasticated food or food products that have been handled by someone who has diarrhea, avoiding giving too much cow’s milk to babies until they are at least one year old because it can cause diarrhea and vomiting which could lead to dehydration. Also, avoid giving honey before 12 months because it may contain spores of C Difficile, thus increasing their risk of developing this disease later in life.

Should You File An NEC Lawsuit?

If you or a loved one has suffered from NEC, the question of whether or not to file a lawsuit is likely on your mind. This can be a tough question to answer because no one wants to think about being in an emergency room with their child. But if someone was responsible for causing your child’s injury, then filing a lawsuit is often the best way to hold them accountable and make sure they are made responsible for their actions.

Once you have decided that filing a lawsuit against those who caused your son or daughter’s injury is something worth pursuing, there are several steps you need to take before filing suit. You’ll want to start by identifying who should be sued in order for them all to be held accountable for their actions. Following this, you may approach an experienced attorney to take forward your case in federal court.

You Can Take Precautions Against if You Want to Prevent NEC

If you want to prevent NEC, there are a few things you can do. Breastfeeding is one of them. Breast milk is the best food for babies because it’s rich in nutrients and contains antibodies that help protect the baby from infection. It also helps to develop the immune system, which will help keep your baby healthy later on in life. Because of its multifaceted benefits, the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding your child up until they are 2 years old.

If you’re breastfeeding, try to breastfeed as soon as possible after delivery and continue feeding every two to three hours until your baby reaches six months old. This will make sure that your baby gets everything they need while they’re growing up.


At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that necrotizing enterocolitis is a serious condition that can be fatal. But if you notice any signs of NEC in your child, you can take action immediately to help save his life. If left untreated or misdiagnosed, NEC will cause significant damage to internal organs and could even be fatal. 


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