Top 10 University Activities to do Before Graduation

If you think about it, four years in college is a pretty long time. So you should be able to accomplish several things before you graduate. If you’re in freshman year, you should consider writing a bucket list of all the activities you want to accomplish during your time in university. 

While college is mainly about academic excellence, it’s not the only thing students should focus on. You should also use this time in your life to prepare for life’s responsibilities after graduation. That’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to use thesis writing services when you need to free up time and focus on other facets of your life. 

Having other things to accomplish other than academic excellence gives you the drive to keep moving forward on days when you don’t have the motivation to study or attend lectures. The joy you get from accomplishing your personal goals will give you the momentum to meet your student responsibilities on such days. 

When you have a network of goals to keep you going, time flies by fast, and before you know it, you’ll be wearing the long-anticipated graduation gown. If you’re having trouble figuring out things you should do before graduation, you can consult with fellow students to learn what they’ve got in mind. You can also browse the internet for suitable ideas that will provide the necessary challenge without completely shifting your focus from your academics. 

Let’s take a look at the ten activities you should engage in before graduation day. 

1. Attend Sports Events 

If you’re an athletic student, you will naturally attend sports events because you’ll be among the participating players. But attending sports events also apply to non-participating students who have taken no interest in playing any sport. Attending sports events shows your loyalty to your campus, and it also gives you the opportunity to cheer students from your school while they play. 

Being among fellow supporters allows you to share in the spirit of solitary, and through this, you learn the importance of showing up for people in your life. As the saying goes, no man is an island, so even if you’re a self-sufficient individual, it’s important to have a support system you can fall back on your low days. 

2. Join a Club 

Unlike attending sports events which you can do even if you’re not interested in any sports activities, you should only join a club that focuses on your interests. For instance, if you’re passionate about saving planet earth, you should look for an environmental club that enables you to be part of environmental conservation initiatives. 

Joining one or more clubs when you’re in college ensures you have somewhere to be and something to do during your free time. Clubs also introduce you to like-minded individuals and give you the opportunity to make life-long friendships. 

3. Get an Internship

The importance of applying for internships during summer breaks cannot be stressed enough. Interning with an organization, you hope to work for in the future allows you to learn the skills that will make you hireable. Even if you don’t end up in the said organization, your unique skill set will guarantee you a well-paying job position with a closely similar organization. 

4. Engage with Your Professors

While professors are of a higher rank than students, this doesn’t mean that engaging with them is off-limits. You should take the initiative to engage with your professors on a professional level because they can come through for you after graduation. Your professor can also help you find a suitable internship opportunity over the holidays. Many students find themselves fearing their professors when they’re more than willing to engage and help where needed. You should definitely respect them, but don’t confuse fear with respect. 

5. Start Paying Off Your Student Loan 

If you’re in a position too, you should start to pay your student loan before graduation day. Taking care of your debt in advance allows you to have an easy financial life after school

6. Work on Your Resume 

Did you know that you can include internships in your resume? Start compiling the experiences you’ve gained from different organizations in preparation for job applications. 

7. Live with a Friend 

Cohabiting has such a bad rep because people focus more on the bad experiences and completely ignore the good that can come out of sharing your space with a caring friend. Find a like-minded friend and live with them as this give you the opportunity to grow and improve yourself. 

8. Travel 

If you have a passport, best make use of it while you’re in college because after you graduate, you’ll hardly get the time to see the world. 

9. Quit Social Media 

You heard that right! Take a sabbatical from social media and allow yourself to experience life around you.

10. Try Something New 

It could be facing your fears or stepping out of your comfort zone. Whatever it is, do new things. 


The beauty of engaging in non-academic activities while you’re in college is they enable you to develop into a well-rounded individual who has sharpened critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Different activities give you the experience you need to gain new perspectives on how the world works. Such insight will come in handy when you get employed because you’ll become an invaluable asset to your organization. 


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