How To Order Your Paragraphs For Better Flow.

This post discusses tips and insights on how to structure your paragraphs well for better flow of ideas and thoughts. Read to discover more.

How to Structure Your Paragraphs for Better Flow

At master thesis writing service, we believe the paragraph is one of them most important components in academic writing. It is the only tool you have to collect and pass on related thoughts into one coherent idea that supports your paper’s thesis statement. However, how you structure your paragraphs is critical to how they will convey the idea you want your audience to get. So, this post shares out practical insights to help you make your paragraphs more coherent. Remaining with this post to the end will enable you to get all you need to learn to benefit from it.

Critical Questions to Ask

Before making your paragraphs more coherent, ask and answer a few fundamental questions.  Asking and answering them will help you to determine their purpose because different paragraphs serve different purposes. The three main questions you will need to ask are

  • It this paragraph developing a fresh idea?
  • Is it amplifying an idea I had discussed in the previous paragraph?
  • Is the paragraph offering the reader a contrasting or supportive view on the idea I had covered in the previous paragraph?

Topic Sentences

After answering the questions we have posed above, you have to open your paragraphs with a topic sentence. This sentence helps the reader to know the purpose of the paragraph you are introducing. It will help your audience to know the main idea you want to develop, expand upon, and/or contrast as your paper progresses.


Since all you body paragraphs are supposed to give credit and relevance to your thesis statement, you should fill them with sufficient evidence. Depending on the purpose of the paragraph, you will need to give evidence that will either contrast or develop an idea. This way, you will fortify your arguments and make them more informative. Here, you have to introduce all the necessary evidence in the form of quotations, stats, or examples.

Evaluative Sentences

Another key component of your paragraphs is the evaluative sentence/s. Here, it is needful to explain to your readers the relevance of the evidence you just offered them. The sentence or sentences should tell the reader how and why the evidence is necessary and beneficial. Also, it will show the reader the things your cited author said to support the idea you are formulating. Lastly, it should show your audience the limitations of the evidence you offered.

Closing Sentences

Lastly, close your paragraphs with closing sentences. Every chapter needs a closing sentence that will draw together the main idea you made in the paragraph. This way, you will transition your reader to the next paragraph coherently and logically without missing anything they need to connect them to it.

How you structure your paragraphs is critical to how much they will communicate your ideas to your readers. Therefore, we shared insightful ideas on how to structure them to help your assignments to flow more logically and coherently. The ball is now in your court to use them to up your game.

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