5 Things You Can Do With Your Body After You Die

Although it can be a rather morose conversation, it’s not uncommon to hear about people talking about what happens after we die. Various thoughts vary across people, groups, religions, and sometimes even family members.

What’s usually not talked about as much is what to do with your body after you die. Should you just be buried? Do you start looking at human cremation urns?

Below, we’re going to look at a few different options of what you can do with your body when you die.

The Green Funeral

If you’re an environmentally aware person and always on the lookout for how you can be a greener person, then this funeral might be the perfect option for you.

Instead of being buried into the ground, why not let the earth take you with it?

The body can offer the earth plenty of nutrients, and some companies provide full-body suits that have mushrooms inside. These mushrooms have specifically been grown to break down your hair, skin, and nails.


Baseball fan may remember the story about legend Ted Williams who had his body frozen in a cryo lab year ago and the debate that ensued after. 

A cryo lab is just one of the many options you have for body preservation. You can go for refrigeration, dry ice, embalming, or plastination.

While you won’t receive a pyramid or be buried with your most precious items, embalming is still somewhat popular around the world. It is mainly used as a way for relatives to see the body before it decomposes. 

Turn Your Body Into a Momento

You may not have known that your body could be so versatile. At work, you might have been a jack-of-all-trades, but now, your body can become almost anything.

There are companies around the country that will turn you into a long list of items. This list includes:

  • Diamonds
  • Jewelry
  • Glass sculptures
  • Fireworks (to go out with a bang)
  • A coral reef
  • Used for tattoos or paintings

So, if you want your body to live on through something else entirely, then you can check out one of these options.


After being buried, cremation is probably the second most popular way to treat a dead body. Cremation is practical for a large number of reasons. 

  • It’s much cheaper than being buried as a casket and funeral services don’t take as long.
  • You get to look at a wide selection of human cremation urns and choose the one you like best. 
  • While you may not get to be buried where you want, you can still have your ashes spread out in a unique place.
  • Your family can keep you in a special place, such as above the fireplace or out in public without it being weird.

Donate Your Body

Another popular thing to do is to donate your body. Usually, people just say “to science,” and that’s the end of the conversation.

But, you can be a bit pickier when choosing where to donate your body.

You can donate it to the military, to the closet university for educational purposes, the Mayo Clinic, a body farm, or even donate specific parts of your body for health purposes. 


I travel the entire world while blogging and doing freelancing services. Before I started writing for a living I experimented with various occupations, but writing is my favourite job and doing it full time makes me happy. I helped many of my clients build their audience online. I love creating unique and research-driven contents.

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