These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models

When we talk about a hurt and wounded war-fighter we get a picture of a poor man wrapped in a bloody cloth, chasing for life. But while thinking, we forget that these war veterans are the fighters they do not just fight for the life; they can even give life a tough fight. These war veterans have lost their one, two and even three of the limbs and are still confident enough to take the world with whatever they are left with.These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (1)

Michael Stokes takes the picture of such offended war veterans that are proud of their solemn injuries. This 52 years old photographer got the fame when he got trapped in a controversy while taking almost nude snaps of veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Michael says that he always wanted to bring up something new; he never clicked for the properly uniformed war veterans. When he came up with the book “Always Loyal” he literally shocked the whole world. The almost naked pictures of these confident and gorgeous war veterans seem like saying “Come up the world with whatever you have, I am ready!”These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (2)

Forget controversy, when I saw the pictures of these injured fighters, I seriously fell for their bravery, personality and attitude. In the picture the man and woman soldier, are standing wearing fewer clothes but more confidence. They are snapped in such a way that their buoyancy is enough to take your breath away.These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (3.2)
These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (3)

Alex Minsky: He was the first war veteran whose unintentional click completely changed the things for Michael Strokes. Alex lost a major part of his leg during a bomb attack in Afghanistan. Alex had multiple injuries in this incident which was enough to put him in a dark depression. Somehow he regained his self-confidence and started with a gym. And hence, grab the attention of this photographer. These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (4)

Michael asked Alex to pose for him and he confidently gave a breath taking shoot. He was looking strong and bold in the snap rather than a poor hurt militant. He reported Daily Mail Online to write an article on Alex with these muscular photographs and everything changed.  Alex and his Picture became viral and other veterans started to contact Michael.These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (5)

Now Michael got in touch with the Vets community and as expected, they all knew him very well. Michael says that the Vets he selected was already confident enough to face the camera even Michael himself felt little nervous but not the soldiers. War veterans pose for him with guns and attitude in their prosthetic legs and arms, wearing their dog tags. Once he approached a fatally wronged veteran who lost all his confidence with his limbs but he got a shock when the crowd changed into his fans and started praising him.These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (6)

DocPegLegRed: Redmond Ramos was a Marines Navy corpsman. He got injured in Afghanistan during 2011 by an IED. He lost his limb in the fight. Michael says that he gets inspiration from fighters like Redmond Ramos. Even after losing his limb Ramos run on track giving tough competition to the opponents. This gave him a name DocPegLegRed.These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (7)

B Taylor Urruela: Urruela was also among many of the combat offended, however the only difference is the other lost their confidence with their body part and he got more fame as an athlete, model, personal trainer, motivational speaker, writer and a brand ambassador.These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (10)

Sergeant Bryan Anderson: Sgt Bryan Anderson was an US Army Sergeant who lost his both the legs while fighting in Iraq. Anderson is now an author of “No Turning Back” his own journal, also acted in few movies and even work as a stimulating stunt-man.  These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (9)

Now with all these hot fighters Michael was ready to publish his photography and he did that in Bare Strength and Wall Calender 2016. And the major fame came with “Always Loyal” a third coffee table book which earned $48,250 in just two days and $202,000 till now.

These Attractive Injured War Veterans Can Give A Hot Fight To The Models (8)

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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