Romantic Phrases In Spanish For Him Or Her

Spanish is one of the most romantic languages in the world and these romantic phrases in Spanish are great to win the heart of your special someone.  I have put together the best Romantic phrases in Spanish. Get set and woo your lover by using these romantic phrases in one of the most famous languages of love – SPANISH.

A small tip: Don’t forget the ending of an adjective must match the gender of the person who you are describing: “a” = woman and “o” = man.

Begin with some terms of endearment in Spanish.

  1. Mi cielo – my heaven
  2. Mi angel – my angel
  3. Cariño -darling/sweetheart
  4. Mi amor – my love
  5. Mi vida – my life
  6. Mi corazón – my heart
  7. Hermoso/hermosa – gorgeous
  8. Cariño – dear
  9. Mi reina/rey – my queen/king
  10. Tesoro – treasure
  11. Querida/querido – dear
  12. Nena/nene – baby
  13. Muñeca – doll
  14. Guapa/guapo – gorgeous
  15. Bonita – pretty
  16. Novia/novio – girlfriend/boyfriend
  17. Esposa/marido – wife/husband

Release cupid’s arrow with these Romantic phrases in Spanish:

In Spanish two verbs are used to express love: one is amar and the other one is querer. In general, amar is stronger and is preferably used with your spouse or with someone that you are romantically involved with. Querer is friendlier and less passionate. You can use it with someone that you want to start dating or with your friends and family.

  1. Tienes novia(o)? – Do you have a girlfriend (boyfriend)?
  2. He estado pensando en ti. – I’ve been thinking about you.
  3. Pienso en ti todo el tiempo. – I think about you all the time.
  4. Solo puedo pensar en ti. – I can only think of you.
  5. Soy muy afortunado(a) de conocerte. – I’m very fortunate to know you.
  6. Eres muy linda(o). – You are very pretty / lovely.
  7. Eres muy sexy. – You’re very sexy.
  8. Me gustas (mucho). – I like you (a lot).
  9. Me haces (mucha) falta. – I miss you (a lot).
  10. Me vuelves loco(a). – You drive me crazy.
  11. Estoy loco(a) por ti. – I’m crazy for you.
  12. Te adoro. – I adore you.
  13. Te deseo. – I want / desire you.
  14. Eres divina(o). – You are divine.
  15. Eres espectacular. – You are spectacular.
  16. Tienes los ojos mas bonitos del mundo. – You have the prettiest eyes in the world.
  17. Tienes una sonrisa muy hermosa. – You have a very beautiful / lovely smile.
  18. Eres la persona mas maravillosa del mundo. – You are the most wonderful person in the world.
  19. Tu ternura me encanta. – I love your tenderness / softness.
  20. Cada hora que paso contigo me parece un segundo. – Each hour that passes with you seems like a second.
  21. Una sonrisa tuya me hace inmensamente feliz. – A smile of yours makes me immensely happy.
  22. No puedo esperar a verte. – I can’t wait to see you.
  23. Mamacita rica – A very pretty (and hot) girl
  24. Papacito rico – A very handsome (and hot) guy
  25. Recuerda, nunca olvides que tu eres mi amor – Never forget, that you are my love
  26. Recuerda, tu eres mi amor – Remenber you are my love
  27. Eres linda – You are beautiful
  28. Eres amorosa – You are so lovely
  29. Eres tan linda como una flor – You are as beautiful as a flower
  30. Eres el amor de mi vida..nunca lo olvides – You are the love of my life… never forget
  31. Tu eres mi reina -You are my Queen
  32. Tu eres mi princesa -You are my Princess
  33. Tu eres mi príncipe -You are my Prince
  34. Dime tu me amas? -Tell me… do you love me?

We hope you like our collection of romantic phrases in Spanish. You can also try listening to Latin songs and reading the lyrics it is a very effective way to improve your Spanish.

Must Read:10 English Idioms and their meanings Illustrated In A Hilarious Way!

Kanika is a Serial Blogger, She is a technologist, bibliophile, speaker, educator and writer. Tornado Cash Follow her on twitter @LtsGetMotivated Spotify Promotion.

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